Conversations as a Platform · Proof of Concept · MSA Adv Training Project · Chatbot Framework Webapp

Contoso Bank – an award-winning bank that is going through digital transformation to better serve customers. This website is a template and sole proof of concept, showcasing a responsive webpage and the chatbot frame work in action.

Functionality of Chatbot


WelcomeIntent · DeleteAccount · CheckBalance · ChangeAccount

There is an Azure Easytables listing of all of the user's accounts for the web app. The user may ask to create new accounts by simply greeting the bot with a new account name. The database stores the account name and the balance of the account. When a new account is created, a balance of 0 dollars is set. There is a set of dummy data already within the database to showcase the functionality of the accounts functionality. The dummy accounts are such as: 'accountname001'. Each database entry contains the name of their account, their balance and a range of different foreign currencies. Due to Easytables, new column entries may be added at anytime when required.


Exchange Rates

ExchangeRate, ListExchangeRate, BuyCurrency

The user may ask for the exchange rates of the current market. Any time there is an exchange rate query, the Web API is called. The user may ask for the exchange rate from NZD (as the base currency) to a single chosen currency or a choice of the exchange rate between two chosen currencies (e.g. AUD to USD). The API takes its source data from a limited set of currencies provided by the European Central Bank. The user, at any time, may ask for the list of available currencies. The data is provided to the user through the Bot Framework card message along with flag images (provided by that correspond to the currencies of interest. On top of this, users may ask to buy currencies with their account. Their respective balances will be updated accordingly with their choice of purchase. Checks are made to account balances before purchases can be made to make sure users do not go to overdraft in account balances.

BotBuilder Cards

Insurance Queries via Image links

Link, CustomVision

The user may ask for insurance queries utilising image links. This is a demonstration of custom vision capabilities and the idea of quickly asking/assuming queries of the user with just a simple input of an image. If the user were to put in a house image link or vehicle image link, a response with the corresponding insurance is given as the reply.



Development Platform Tools
Microsoft Azure Applications
  • Microsoft Bot Framework
  • Github and Azure Deployment
  • Custom Vision Service
  • Responsive Website Design

The Developer

Andrew Lai · University of Auckland Computer Systems Engineering Graduate